About Us

Creators Without Borders (CWB) is an independent NGO. Its network consists of photographers, videographers and film makers in 130 countries. They provide the opportunity for CWB to mobilize support, challenge governments and exert influence on the ground, as well as in the ministries and districts where media and internet standards and legislation are established.

We mobilize
We will mobilize public and government support by means of eye-catching protests and awareness campaigns that sometimes shock. We will try to draw the public’s attention to violations against journalists and to deter leaders from persecuting independent media outlets.

When creators are taken hostage anywhere in the world, CWB sets up support committees and helps organize activities designed to press for their release.

We protect
We will protect creators and bloggers in danger and provide protection for journalists, freelancers and stringers, especially those who travel to war zones or dangerous regions. We do this through insurances, training sessions in physical and digital security, an emergency hotline and information manuals. We also lend out bulletproof vests and helmets.

CWB will registers as an interested civil party in judicial cases in order to support journalists in trouble. In addition, CWB provides legal assistance to journalists seeking asylum. It will also provides hundreds of support grants to endangered independent media every year.

We put pressure on
We will put pressure on governments and organizations. We help countries that want to draft legislation that respects basic freedoms. We will provide governments in Africa, the Middle East and Asia with recommendations that are in line with international standards.